Excursión de un día a Glendalough y Kilkenny en español

Tour no operativo actualmente .

Viaje al Ancestral Este de Irlanda y visite los hermosos Glendalough y Kilkenny con una excursión de un día totalmente guiada en español.

What can I expect
  • Visita el Monasterio de Glendalough
  • Paisaje pintoresco de Wicklow
  • Experimente la ciudad medieval de Kilkenny
  • Tour de un día completamente guiado en español
  • Recorrido a pie por Kilkenny

Start this great day tour at 09:00 as you depart from George's Quay in Dublin.

Only a 1 hour journey from Dublin, you will arrive at the beautiful mountains of Wicklow where you can see the gorgeous scenery including valleys and lakes.

Scenes from the movies like "Ps I love you", "The Vikings" and "Braveheart" have been filmed here.

Stop off at the medieval monastery of Glendalough which is also home to one of Ireland's iconic Round Tower.

You will hear all the stories and legends about the monks and villagers who once lived in the monastery and how they had to deal with Viking attacks.

Once you finish the stop at Glendalough, the next destination is the medieval city of Kilkenny.

Kilkenny has one of the best well preserved Anglo-Norman castles in Ireland situated on a hill that overlooks the city.

You'll take a walking tour through the cobbled streets and medieval arches while in Kilkenny and you'll hear all about it's Celtic legends, witches, Anglo-Norman knights and their ladies.


You then head back to Dublin City to wrap up this one-of-a-kind Day Tour.



For more Spanish day tours see below.

Duración del tour: 9 Horas

Salida a las 09:00 desde George's Quay, Dublín

Tour de un día completamente guiado en español.

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