Hidden Dublin - Horror Hike

Join Hidden Dublin's professional guides on this fascinating tour as they take you through a series of weird and wonderful event from days gone by, unearthing legends and ghosts from the Dublin mountains.


The most fun night out in Dublin City is guaranteed!

What can I expect
  • Take a Trip on the Banshee Bus
  • Go to the Peak of Montpelier Hill in the Dublin Mountains
  • Visit Hellfire Club
  • Horror Hike guide to Bring you Along the Tour
  • Gorgeous Views of Dublin City
Also available from Hidden Dublin Tours

Kick off the tour by boarding the Banshee bus which will bring you to the South West of Dublin City (just a short drive away)

You begin the hike in the Dublin mountains to it's peak of the legendary and mysterious Montpelier Hill. This has the most stunning views that overlook Dublin City.


This is the only tour with a permit to visit the famous Dublin Hellfire Club! - Not to be missed!

The tour unravels the many dark mysteries that are associated with the Hellfire Club, Montpellier Hill and it's surroundings.

When you reach the peak of the mountain you will encounter an old megalithic site and the remains of an ancient tomb was constructed by the great ancients of Ireland over 2,000 years ago.

This site was looted and destroyed in order to salvage it's building materials to build a hunting lodge in 1735. This lodge is now known as the Hellfire Club!


There are plenty of photo opportunities and some free time for yourself to explore the area and experience multiple view points.


Enjoy breathtaking scenery, a great sense of achievement and a true Irish bonding experience. You'll finish the tour with unforgettable memories of your visit to the Hellfire Club in Dublin!


For more spooky experiences try out the Ghostbus Tour or the Hidden Dublin Haunted History Tour

Buy Hidden Dublin Tours - Horror Hike Tickets


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  • Tour duration - 3 Hours
  • Meeting point - Cook Street, St. Audeon's Church
  • We recommend that you bring rain gear, as the Irish weather is unpredictable, and appropriate footwear with ankle protection.
  • The hike is basic in difficulty, but will require some endurance for the upward hill trails, so please keep this in mind.
Trip Advisor

Horror Hike Full Marks!

This was one of the best tours we've done in our fair city and outside and for us it was a case of full marks.
Great value, great guides and the driver was super nice and informative.
Highly recommend

Green Review StarGreen Review StarGreen Review StarGreen Review StarGreen Review Star
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