Пешеходные гастрономические туры – еда пешком

Пеший гастрономический тур по Дублину позволит вам совершить восхитительное путешествие по одному из самых дружелюбных городов мира, а также познакомиться с его историей и местной кухней.

What can I expect
  • Enjoy street eats that are enjoyed every day by locals
  • Good quality and authentic experience
  • Stop off at five delicious street eats - last one is a dessert stop
  • Come along hungry!
Also available from Walking Food Tours

Food on Foot - Walking Food Tour in Dublin

This tour will concentrate on the streets eat that are enjoyed by locals.

A good quality authentic experience where you will eat just like a Dubliner.

Don't worry, it is not a fussy dining experience - you won't be trying lobster and champagne. You will discover the best fun street food that the city has to offer!


It is all about cool, fun street eats while experiencing what the locals do.


You should come along hungry as you will be stopping off for five delicious street eats along the way - at least one of our stops will be a dessert stop!


How does it work?

The difference in this tour im comparison to other food tours is that you purchase your own food

Although recommendations will be made, you get to enjoy what you like - not just what somebody gives you.

Since you choose your own food, this tour is suitable for all dietary requirements.

All of the stops are surprise stops which make it even more fun!



Most people spend about €20 on food on this tour. It is ran as a relaxed, informal group where you can get to know other people as you order and eat your delicious street food.

Many of the stops are at smaller venues, so you will be eating both inside and outside, sometimes walking with your food!

Bathrooms will be available on the tour, but may not be at each venue - information will be provided on the tour.

Buy Walking Food Tours - Food on Foot Tickets


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Продолжительность экскурсии - 3 часа.

Экскурсия состоится в любую погоду, поэтому, пожалуйста, одевайтесь соответствующим образом.

Место встречи — церковь Святой Екатерины, Томас-стрит, Дублин 8.

Приходите на 15 минут раньше.

Trip Advisor


Nov 2023 • Solo

Delicious and tasty food stops… lots of craic and good stories told by Kevin… perfect way to eat and burn calories at the same time

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