Частная экскурсия по холму Тара, замку Трим и многим другим местам

Насладитесь расслабленным и индивидуальным посещением некоторых из самых символичных и легендарных мест Древнего Востока Ирландии в рамках роскошной однодневной поездки.

What can I expect
  • Незабываемый обзор графства Мит.
  • Индивидуальная поездка.
  • Входные билеты на объекты включены.
  • Опытный водитель-гид.

Explore some of Ireland’s most significant historical and cultural sites, where ancient myths, medieval architecture, and early Christian heritage come together to tell the story of the country's rich past.


Visit the Hill of Tara, once the seat of the High Kings of Ireland, the Hill of Tara offers the finest views of county Meath. Visitors can explore Neolithic burial mounds and tombs while learning about Celtic rituals and early Christianity. It’s a beautiful and significant site full of Irish history and myth.

Continue to the Hill of Slane, also located in county Meath, a site famous for both its ancient and Christian heritage. Legend ties it to the burial of Sláine mac Dela, a Fir Bolg king. The site became even more prominent when Saint Patrick lit the Paschal fire here in the 5th century, marking the beginning of Christianity in Ireland. The hill also features the remains of a monastery founded by St. Erc.


Another highlight is Bective Abbey. Founded in 1147, it is a well-preserved Cistercian monastery, known for its beautiful ruins, including a cloister and chapter house. The abbey provides an unforgettable glimpse into medieval monastic life and its storied past makes it a must-visit for history lovers.


Finally, Trim Castle, the largest Anglo-Norman castle in Ireland, stands as a powerful symbol of Norman architecture. Built over 30 years by Hugh de Lacy, its monumental three-story keep and 20-sided tower are admirable. Known as King John’s Castle, it offers a fascinating look at Ireland’s medieval era, alongside nearby sites like St. Mary’s Abbey and the 13th-century Trim Bridge.

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  • Продолжительность 8 часов.
  • Максимальное количество человек в группе — 3.
  • Живая экскурсия на английском языке.
  • Встреча и высадка в отелях возможна в Дублине, Мите или Лауте.
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