Рассказывание историй Самайна

Embrace winter in Dublin with a traditional storytelling session inside the warm and welcoming Irish Whiskey Museum!

What can I expect
  • Отпразднуйте дух Самайна
  • Наслаждайтесь дегустацией виски
  • Идеальное мероприятие как для местных жителей, так и для гостей
  • Традиционный опыт

Visitors can enjoy a welcome whiskey upon arrival at the Irish Whiskey Museum, located in the heart of Dublin, as they celebrate Samhain!


This significant festival marks the start of a new season, filled with unique folklore, tradition, mystery, and more. There’s no better way to celebrate winter in Dublin than with a true Irish gathering.


Whether you’re a local Dubliner or planning a short stay in the city, this experience promises memorable moments and a great time.


Samhain Storytelling

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Рассказывание историй Самайна в Ирландском музее виски

Местоположение Ирландский музей виски

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