
前往 Glencullen 冒险公园,享受充满刺激和壮丽景色的一天!克服令人兴奋的障碍,学习新的骑行技能,在无与伦比的环境中享受冒险的乐趣。

What can I expect
  • 获得 36 条路径的访问权限。
  • 游览爱尔兰最大的山地自行车场地之一。
  • 动感十足的活动。
  • 接受新的和有益的挑战。

Glencullen Adventure Park takes a fresh, progressive approach to its biking facilities and trails, making it the perfect place to unleash your adventurous side and create unforgettable memories!


The Pedal Pass grants access to 36 thrilling downhill trails via the scenic pedal-up track—powered by your own two legs! It’s a 15-minute ride to the midpoint of the trail network or 40 minutes to reach the top of the hill. There is no better way to push yourself and enjoy the best of Dublin’s great outdoors at the same time.


After racing down the mountain, riders can relax at the kitchen restaurant, where they’ll find delicious meals made with the finest locally sourced ingredients.

Buy Glencullen Adventure Park - Pedal Pass Tickets

General Admission

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  • 请注意,如果您预订了升降机,则不需要踏板通行证。
  • 不包括自行车和骑行装备。
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