Glencullen 冒险公园的 Uplift 会议

准备好在爱尔兰最大的自行车道公园之一体验一次难忘的冒险吧!在 The GAP 挑战您的极限,同时享受每一步的乐趣。

What can I expect
  • 加入 GAP 骑手们。
  • 搭乘定制的拖车上山。
  • 骑自行车穿越都柏林崎岖的地形。
  • 在享受新鲜体验的同时培养您的技能。

Glencullen Adventure Park ensures riders get straight into the action. With a fleet of five vans operating daily, each equipped with uphill trailers, bikers and their gear are effortlessly transported to the top of the trails. This means less time climbing and more time doing what matters most – enjoying the ride!


The GAP is always evolving, offering new routes to ensure riders enjoy fresh experiences every time they visit. With over 35 mountain biking trails, it stands as one of the country's premier adventure centres.


This activity is ideal for anyone eager to try something new or embrace their adventurous spirit. Supported by a skilled team of sponsored riders, visitors are in safe hands as they take on a variety of exciting and rewarding challenges.

Buy Glencullen Adventure Park - Half Day Uplift Session Tickets

Uplift Session Weekday ?Monday to Friday

Uplift Session Weekend ?Saturday & Sunday

Total: 0
  • 提供半天或全天选项。
  • 不包括自行车和骑行装备。
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