Lazy Bike Tours - 都柏林城市电动自行车之旅


What can I expect
  • E-bike tour of the city
  • Guide will be with you throughout tour
  • Best way to take in Dublin City
  • Visit the major tourist attractions like, Dublin Castle, Guinness Brewery and much more.


Lazy Bike Tours 提供的这项精彩的旅行是游览这座城市的最佳方式之一。随行的导游将为您提供信息以及沿途每个停留地点的有趣事实和故事。



整个旅程大约需要 2 小时,适合所有体能水平,因为骑行过程轻松自如。您的导游将确保您的安全,并在您骑车穿越都柏林街道时为您提供娱乐。


group of people looking at church with helmets on

Tour duration is approx. 2.5 Hours


Suitable for all levels of fitness


Group sizes are small


Guide with you at all times to ensure safety.


Meeting Point: Lazy Bike Tours, Drury Multi-Story Car Park ( Bike Park, Lower Ground Floor) Dublin 2 

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