国立版画美術館 - ガイド付きツアー

Take a guided tour of the National Print Museum where you can see the exhibits of an array of printing equipment, samples of print and the associated skills of the printing craft under the one roof in Dublin City.

What can I expect
  • 国立版画博物館のガイド付きツアー
  • 1916年の宣言の原文をご覧ください
  • 自分だけのオリジナルポスターを印刷

National Print Museum - Guided Tour

Learn everything there is to know about the ancient craft of printing with a guided tour of the National Print Museum.

Johannes Gutenberg revolutionised the world with the invention of the printing press in 1439.


You can view one of the most historical printed documents in Ireland being the 1916 Proclamation which was read out on the steps of the GPO (General Post Office) during the 1916 rising and discover the fascinating story in how this iconic Irish artefact was created.


Your tour guide will give you a demonstration showing how printing was carried out throughout the last few centuries.


The main collection itself is not behind glass or rope but instead is an example of a working collection.

You can interact with this collection by composing your very own name in type and printing a personalised poster to take home with you.



Museum Café

Press is the indepenent café located in the museum and all the food is homemade using fresh ingredients from Irish suppliers.

While you're there why not try one of the daily chalk board specials or a cup of Cloud Pickers coffee which is roasted and pressed in Dublin.

Buy National Print Museum - Guided Tour Tickets




Senior Citizens

Family Tickets
(2 Adults + 2 Kids)

Total: 0

ツアー所要時間 - 40〜60分

場所 - 国立版画博物館、ハディントン ロード、ダブリン、D04 E0C9


ツアーは受付、ミュージアムショップ、常設展示、カフェがある 1 階で行われます。

1 階は車椅子利用者が自由にアクセスでき、車椅子での入場はカフェからとなります。


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