
穿上围裙,走进 Pearse Lyons 酿酒厂的杜松子酒学校,在这里您将探索使杜松子酒真正与众不同的独特植物和风味。

What can I expect
  • 包含的食物:熟食拼盘
  • 走进风味世界
  • 带回家您的个性化 70cl 瓶装葡萄酒
  • 感官和互动活动

The Gin School at Pearse Lyons Distillery offers Dublin's ultimate gin experience. Situated on the grounds of an iconic family-owned distillery, it’s housed in beautifully restored early 20th-century townhouses in the heart of The Liberties.


Throughout this sensory activity, you'll gain a deeper understanding of a selection of botanicals before putting your miniature copper pot still to work. While your pot still bubbles, enjoy local seasonal bites paired with the signature Ha'Penny and Míl Gin cocktails.

Once your gin is ready, you'll have the chance to check its alcohol strength, with approval from an in-house expert. Then, seal your 70cl bottle, add a personalised label, and take home your creation to enjoy!


Not only does this activity give you the chance to develop your very own mixture but it is the perfect way to uncover the history of gin and how it became one of the most popular drinks of the 21st century.



Buy Pearse Lyons - Gin School Tickets

Per person - single still

Per couple - shared still

Total: 0



周六 13:00 和 16:45 提供。


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