Пешеходная экскурсия по восстанию 1916 года
Лоркан Коллинз радует посетителей Дублина своей пешеходной экскурсией по Восстанию 1916 года уже более 25 лет. Лоркан — один из ведущих историков Ирландии, изучающих события Восстания 1916 года, которое вспыхнуло в Дублине (и по всей Ирландии) в 1916 году и в конечном итоге привело к обретению Ирландией независимости от Великобритании несколько лет спустя.
- Пешеходная экскурсия с известным автором и историком Лорканом Коллинзом
- Образовательная историческая экскурсия по мотивам знаменитого восстания 1916 года
- Оригинальный тур 1916 года, который проводится уже более 25 лет
- Очень занимательно и весело!
You'll learn the story of how a small band of Irish patriots declared Ireland's independence to the world in Easter 1916. This led to one of the bloodiest confrontations with the British forces that Dublin had ever seen. After a week of intense fighting the rebellion was quashed and the rebellion leaders were captured and executed in Kilmainham Gaol in Dublin city.
It was the execution of these men that inspired others towards the Irish War of Independence where Michael Collins and the IRA battled against the British for Ireland's freedom, but once they had achieved this goal internal divisions lead to the Civil War in 1922.
The 1916 Rebellion Walking tour take you to visit the very sites of the most famous battles in the 1916 Easter Rising as Lorcan Collins explains and illustrates the key events of these turbulent times.
Lorcan's love and passion for the history of Ireland is as inspiring as it is entertaining. This is a walking tour not to be missed. Lorcan also hosts the Revolutionary Ireland Podcast which provides more history and information on Ireland's revolutionary past.
Discover more Dublin city attractions today. Explore some of Ireland's culture through original tours of Kilmainham Gaol and iconic landmarks on our Hop-On Hop-Off bus.
Buy 1916 Rebellion Tour Tickets
- Место встречи: International Bar , 23 Wicklow Street, Дублин 2.
- Продолжительность: около 2 часов.
- С понедельника по субботу - 11:30 / с воскресенья - 13:00

Walking tour not to miss!
Briliant walking tour.Very informative.Lorcan Collins is great at going through this complex area of Irish history in a really engaging way. A tour not to miss.