Meet the Ghostbus Storytellers

Edgar is a man with a dark side... in fact that's the only side he has... there is no other side to Edgar is the point we're trying to make, but nobody in Dublin knows more about the city's dark past, the horrible things that happened to lovely innocent people and the gruesome tales that most Dubliners have tried to forget than our Edgar. It was perhaps enevitable that one day he would he would find his way to the Ghostbus tour, where he could share details of his morbid fascinations with unsuspecting members of the public. He's delighted with himself now and each night on the tour he delivers scares and laughs in equal measure! Want to learn more? then jump on board the Ghostbus tour and let Edgar, your ghostbus storyteller for the evening enlighten you (or endarken you as the case may be)!.

Nick is the longest serving Ghostbus storyteller and the most experienced in revealing the Dark side of Dublin city. No one knows when he began...but some say he has in fact always been on the ghostbus and now rarely ever leaves it.
Click to Book your Ghostbus Tour Now
The Ghostbus storytellers are masters of the macabre and take great delight in scaring the be'jaysus out of all who cross their path. They are all professional actors & have been entertaining visitors and native Dubliners alike for many years. They know how to put on a good show and guarantee to entertain and scare in equal measures.