ダブリンで最も人気のあるウイスキー ツアーの 1 つを、ティーリング ウイスキー蒸留所で体験してください。ダブリンの歴史的なリバティー地区に位置するティーリング ウイスキー蒸留所は、125 年ぶりにダブリンで稼働する最初の蒸留所であるという点で特にユニークです。独特のティーリング ウイスキーを見て、香りを嗅いで、味わって、なぜこれが世界で最も人気のある飲み物の 1 つになりつつあるのかを体験してください。
- Experience the Spirit of Dublin in the city’s first new distillery in 125 years.
- Take a guided tour including and see the exhibition area, distillery floor and maturation space
- Experience the whiskey making process in the fully operational distillery
- Taste award-winning Teeling Whiskey and a seasonal whiskey cocktail.
- Dublin’s premiere whiskey distillery tour
- Tour includes whiskey tastings of award winning Irish whiskeys with new and innovative flavours
Visit Teeling Whiskey Distillery
Teeling Whiskey is Irish owned and family run, whiksey making has been in the Teeling family since 1782. History is in the making as Teelings as we witness the revivial of traditional Dublin whiskey.
Self-Guided Tour and Teeling Tasting
Enjoy a self-guided tour through Teeling Whiskey Distillery, followed by a relaxed tasting with your Teeling whiskey expert. First in the exhibition area immerse yourselves in over 300 years of history and learn about the rise & fall of the Dublin Whiskey Industry and learn about the Teeling family heritage and innovation in whiskey making.
Then experience the sights sounds and smells of a real life operational distillery on the production floor. Finally, you will get to taste the award-winning Teeling small batch whiskey and hand crafted seasonal whiskey cocktail
Getting to Teeling Whiskey Distillery
New international language app inlcuding languages such as French, German, Spanish, Italian, Mandarin & Dutch.
Teeling Whiskey Distillery is situated at 13-17 Newmarket, Merchants Quay, Dublin 8, D08 KD91, Ireland. The distillery is close to St. Patrick's Cathedral and the Guinness Storehouse.
By Bike
Cycling to Teeling Distillery is relatively easily, and you will pass by some iconic Dublin attractions on the way from the city. There is a Dublin Bike station located on Francis Street and Guinness Storehouse.
Hop-On Hop-Off Tour
The DoDublin city tour has a designated stop at the distillery. Learn more about the city tour here.
The distillery is located just a little outside the main city centre, but it makes for a lovely walk. From Trinity College Dublin, the Distillery is 1.7km walking distance - this is a 21 minute walk approx. (On the way, visitors would pass by Christ Church and St. Patrick's Cathedrals, as well as Dublin Castle, the Chester Beatty Library, and St. Patrick's Park.
You can take Dublin Bus Route 27, 56a, or 151 to St. Luke’s Avenue - the bus stop here is close to the distillery. For more information on Dublin Bus routes, visit the Dublin Bus website
There is a Luas stop at Fatima, which is just over 1km from the Distillery
Buy Teeling Whiskey Distillery - Tour and Tasting Tickets
- バウチャーは印刷する必要があり、スマートフォンやモバイルデバイスでは受け付けられません。
- ガイドツアーの所要時間 - 45 分
- 蒸留所は水曜から日曜まで営業しています。
- 即時確認
- 多言語リーフレットは、フランス語、ドイツ語、スペイン語、イタリア語、中国語、日本語、ポルトガル語、ロシア語、スウェーデン語でご利用いただけます。
- 車椅子でアクセス可能
- ティーリング蒸留所では、ツアー開始の 10 分前に到着することをお勧めします。
席を確保するには事前に予約してください。ツアーの試飲部分に参加するには 18 歳以上である必要があります。