InStitches Comedy Club - Comedy All Star

In Stitches Comedy, also known as Dublin's best comedy club hosts live comedy gigs every Friday & Saturday night! With a mix of local and international comedians there is so much to enjoy.

What can I expect
  • Hilarious live comedy performances.
  • Welcoming and vibrant atmosphere.
  • Talented and engaging comedians.
  • Comfortable venue.
  • Drink deals

Prepare for a night of laughter with In Stitches Comedy, the only comedy venue in Ireland offering shows every night of the week, located in the heart of Dublin City. The club is brought to life by a mix of talented comedians who showcase Irish wit and traditional craic in an engaging way.


Dedicated to delivering unforgettable comedic experiences, this venue appeals to both locals and tourists alike! With a diverse lineup of comedians, it’s the perfect destination for special events, casual nights out, and any other occasion.

Get ready to explore the ultimate night out in Dublin featuring plenty of laughs and other spontaneous moments.

Buy Institches Comedy Club - Comedy All Star Tickets



2 Drinks for One Ticket ?Entry to the show & 2 Free Drinks (Pints of Glasses of Wine)

2 Tickets & Bottle of Wine ?2 Tickets & A Bottle of Prosecco or White (Pinot Grigio / Sauvignon Blanc) or Rose

Total: 0
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