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Bloomsday Festival Dublin

Visitors seated for live reading

Bloomsday is an observance and honouring of the legacy of Irish writer James Joyce. Here in Dublin, the festival holds great significance and is celebrated through a variety of events across the city. Join us as we bring Joyce's world to life.



Ireland's first official Bloomsday in 1954 commemorated Ulysses' 50th anniversary, with Patrick Kavanagh and Flann O'Brien retracing Bloom's steps in Dublin. Today, Bloomsday is celebrated globally by literature enthusiasts with readings, re-enactments, and festivities honouring Joyce's iconic work, Ulysses.

Throughout Dublin, Bloomsday unfolds with a variety of events, ranging from readings and performances to walking tours and pub crawls. Enthusiasts dress up in the fashion of Joyce's era, bringing the city streets to life as they retrace the steps of Bloom and other characters from the novel.


The James Joyce Centre collaborates with the Department of Tourism, Culture, Arts, Gaeltacht, Sport and Media, Fáilte Ireland, and Dublin UNESCO City of Literature to orchestrate the Bloomsday Festival.

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